Class 8 Science for 2024-25

by Tiwari Academy



Solutions for Class 8 Science in English Medium based on new textbooks published for year 2024-25. It is useful for all the students. The Syllabus for class 8 Science is reduced for final exams 2025. The class 8 Science app contains the following chapters:Class 8 Science Solutions (Chapters for session 2024-25) Chapter 1: Crop Production and ManagementChapter 2: Microorganisms: Friend and FoeChapter 3: Coal and PetroleumChapter 4: Combustion and FlameChapter 5: Conservation of Plants and AnimalsChapter 6: Reproduction in AnimalsChapter 7: Reaching the Age of AdolescenceChapter 8: Force and PressureChapter 9: FrictionChapter 10: SoundChapter 11: Chemical Effects of Electric CurrentChapter 12: Some Natural PhenomenaChapter 13: LightNote: As per new textbooks issued for academic session 2024-25, there are only 13 chapters in course. This app contains the question answers of only 13 chapters which are considered in syllabus for new session. If any student need the question answers of deleted chapters, please inform us to get PDF.For other study material and Class 8 Science solutions in Hindi and English Medium videos, please visit to and download study material.